3 More Picture Books Worth Reading to Your Kids

More Favorite Picture Books

In the last post I wrote, I shared a list of five favorite picture books in our house. If you want to that list, then follow this link. In the last post, I explained that I have five younger siblings and as such I have done a lot of reading aloud, especially reading picture books. We have come, as a family, to favor certain picture books above all others. I have already shared five of them, but now I am going to share another three.

1. Pete’s a Pizza by William Steig

Pete's a Pizza by William Steig

Pete’s a Pizza by William Steig is most definitely one of the family favorites, in fact, I can’t believe I didn’t put this one in the first list. 

I can’t believe I left this one out of the last post! When the older of my two younger sisters was about two years old (she is now four) she loved Pete’s a Pizza. She would bug me to read it to her over and over again.

The book is about a young boy, named Pete, who wants to go outside and play, but it’s raining. So his father cheers him up, by pretending to make him into a pizza. My sister used to love when I would read the book to her, and then do to her, what Pete’s father was doing to him.

2. My First Little House Books

My First Little House Books by Laura Ingalls Wilder

Okay, technically this is more than just one book. But the stories in this series, are just so cute, and they are picture books that I decided I should include them. These lovely stories are taken from the famous ‘Little House’ series by Laura Ingalls Wilder. Some of the kids favorites in this series are, Sugar Snow, Dance at Grandpa’s, and Christmas in the Big Woods.

3. Press Here by Herve Tullet

Press Here by Herve Tullet

Press Here by Herve Tullet is such a fun interactive book. It teaches kids, about mixing colours.

Well there we are. Three more picture books for you to enjoy with your kids. I apologize that these book recommendations are a bit random. But the one thing they do have in common, is that they are very enjoyable books.

Happy Reading & Writing!