Happy Birthday Beverly Cleary!!!

Happy 103rd Birthday

Today, famous children`s book author, Beverly Cleary turns 103 years old! During her lifetime, Mrs. Cleary has written over 50 children`s books that have sold over 90 million copies worldwide! Some of her most famous works include:

I have read, and re-read almost all of her books and loved them all. Three years ago for her hundredth birthday I even wrote her a letter.

Sadly, I did not receive a personal reply. However, I did receive a postcard from her with all of my favorite Cleary characters on the front.

I would love to hear from you, what your family’s favorite Beverly Cleary books/characters are.

For your convenience here is a list of Beverly Cleary books for you to browse:

The Ramona Quimby Series in order:

The Henry Huggins Series in order:

The Mouse and the Motorcycle Series in order:

Other notable mentions:

Let me know which ones your family has read!